The Good, The Bad & The Ugly


If someone would’ve told me 5 years ago, that I would be married with 3 kids, and running my own blog, I probably wouldn’t believe it. 

I’m sure that when you look at your life, there may be some things you have experienced, or new roles you’ve taken on, that you never would’ve envisioned years ago. Some were probably good, and some, not so good. 

With lifE comes the good, the bad and the ugly! 

The Good…

We always thank God for the good. You know, the new car, the new house, and the answered prayer. The Bible tells us that every good thing comes from God. (James 1:17)

The Bad…

Well, the bad, is another story. When the car breaks down, when we lose our jobs, when a loved one is sick, when our children are getting into trouble, or God just isn’t answering our prayers quick enough, it can seem like God is nowhere to be found. 

In these situations, we’re quick to start rebuking the devil! While we do come under attack as Christians, the “bad things” that occur in our lives, can’t always be blamed on the enemy.

In the same way God can use the good in our lives, God also uses “the bad”. 

Could it be, that your car didn’t start that day, because God knew there would be an accident on your normal route to work, and He wanted to spare your life? 

Could it be, that you’re struggling in your finances right now, because God wants you to know Him as a provider, and He wants to teach you better stewardship over what He has given you? 

Could it be, that God is “ taking so long” on answering your prayer, because He wants to exceed your expectations? Maybe, God wants to perform something so miraculous in your situation, that nobody but God, will get the glory. 

Here’s the Ugly Truth…

Some of us have waited for God’s promises to become reality for a very long time. In the “waiting”, if we’re not careful, we can lose hope, and stop expecting God to do anything great in our lives. 

May I warn you, that this is a very dangerous place to be. You may have heard the phrase, “Hope deferred makes the heart grow sick.” I believe this to be true. What is also true is this, sometimes the bad in our lives, can cause us to be angry with God, and not even know it. 

I’ve been there! Sometimes, we can get so low, and so sick and tired of “waiting”, that we disconnect from God. There have been times in my own life, that I had to repent, and ask God to forgive me for being angry at Him, for not answering my prayers. 

God doesn’t always answer how we think He should, or even when we think He should. 

I’m reminded of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. He knew the extremity of what was about to take place. He knew the time had come for Him to be crucified. The Bible says that Jesus was anguished and distressed. (Matthew 26:37)

He went on a little farther and bowed with his face to the ground, praying, “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.
— Matthew 26:39 NLT

The weight of the world was on His shoulders. Of course, we can’t imagine the heavy burden that Jesus felt at that moment, and the moments to come, that led to His crucifixion. 

We do however, know what pain feels like in our own specific situations. I’m sure many people during that time, looked at Jesus’ death as the worst thing that could’ve happened. We know now, that what Jesus did on the cross, was the best thing that could’ve happened for you, and I as believers.

Because of what Jesus did on the cross, you and I have the opportunity to have a close, and personal relationship with our Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ.

God has placed it on my heart, that many of his children are giving up during the process. For many of his children, it seems like the “wilderness” has lasted for so long. I believe that like me, some of you may have found yourselves angry with God, at some point or another.

Can I tell you something? In the same way God had a plan for Jesus, He has a plan for you as well! God is using both the good, and the seemingly bad things in our lives, for His glory.

Even when it gets hard, let’s try and remind ourselves of Jesus’ words, and say…

God, not my will, but yours!”

Today’s Prayer
God, I thank you for all that you have done for me. Thank you for working everything out for my good. Please forgive me for anytime that I have been angry with you for not answering my prayers when I wanted you to. Create in me a clean heart, and renew in me a right spirit, that I may be pleasing, and acceptable in your sight. I pray that your will, will be accomplished in my life, because I know you know what’s best for me. Give me strength during my process to wait on you, because your timing is perfect. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Today’s Readings: 1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5:18‬; Hebrews‬ ‭10:36‬ ‭

1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5:18‬ ‭(NLT): “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:36‬ ‭(NLT‬‬): “Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.”