Simple Sleek Low Ponytail


Hey beauties!! This past week I wanted to try something simple, and quick with my hair. So, I went for this simple sleek low ponytail. Let me be honest, and say that my hair is stubborn y’all. It’s takes a combination of products before my hair will even think about laying down lol.

I’ve tried this look before on freshly washed wet hair, but even after sitting under the dryer FOREVER, my hair still never fully dries all the way. So, this time I decided to try the sleek ponytail look on blow dried hair.

Here’s what I used to slick doWn my ponYtaIl…


For the puff in the back, I used my girl Yolanda’s hanging bantu knot method, to give my puff some texture, and more definition. I lightly spritzed my ends with water, and I used Cantu leave-in conditioning cream to moisturize my hair before twisting.

After I was done, I used a silk scarf, and sat under the dryer for 20 minutes. The next day, I used a light amount of oil, and carefully separated the twists! Simple right?

Check out Yolanda’s video below to see the techniqUe…

Do you have a hard time finding gels/edge controls that actually lay your hair down without flaking?

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