Miesha White Spotlight
Miesha White is the Founder and CEO of Royal Belle Beauty. Royal Belle specializes in custom shapewear for women of all shapes and sizes.
Miesha is passionate about helping women to know their worth, and making them feel beautiful from the inside out.
This is only the beginning for this influential beauty!
Get to Know more about MieshA…
Q&A with Miesha
What inspired you to start Royal Belle Beauty, and how did you come up with the name?
The idea of Royal Belle was certainly not my idea. My thought process is definitely not that expansive. This was a God idea. I have seen the hand of God move favorably upon Royal Belle. I am certain that this is only the beginning of where this business is headed.
When God first gave me the business idea, I was a bit skeptical. It seemed a little too far fetched, but when God gives you something significant to do, it’s always a task that you cannot achieve with your own natural abilities.
Royal- Having a status of a King or Queen.
Belle- A beautiful girl or women especially at a particular event.
I was going through a storm when I came across the name Royal Belle. I was dealing with low worth, low self-esteem, and depression from dealing with a failed marriage, and an estranged relationship with my dad. I was broken, torn and amongst other things, I was confused.
In that instance, I began to seek God, and I came across 1 Peter 2:9 which says, we are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood.
In Isaiah 61:3, God says, He will give you a crown of beauty for ashes. That’s how the name Royal Belle was birthed!
“He dealt with my inner torments. My brokenness, and my pain created inner beauty, which resonated outwardly. That’s what God means when he says, beauty for ashes. For all the ugly life throws at you, He gives you beauty. ”
In what ways do you want to help inspire, and motivate women through your brand?
Royal Belle wants to inspire women to be authentic and unique. We want to inspire the inward beauty. Once you feel good within, that glow is resonated outwardly.
That’s why our company thrives on loving on our customers, and speaking life. This is what motivates women to believe in themselves, and it activates self-love. Self-love, along with the love of God, is a powerful tool for success! This breaks all barriers.
How do you feel your brand differs from others in the same arena?
The heart in which the business was founded, was birthed out of a place of pain. Through the pain, we found purpose.
We not only want to sell products and services, but we thrive to make a difference, and impact the lives of women. This is not only a business, but I believe that it’s a ministry also.
I get so many women that confide in me about their personal life. I find myself praying for my customers often. My prayer for every customer that I come across is that, the Lord will help them reach their goals, and help them through every challenge that comes their way.
When they win, I win!!
As a small business owner, what has been the biggest hurdle you had to overcome with starting your business?
Self-doubt and acceptance, is one of the biggest hurdles that I have had to overcome. Just believing that I am able to be successful, and reach unimageable levels.
Also, acceptance from others. I have learned that not everyone will support you, because simply put, you’re not called to everyone. Not everyone will wish you the best, but when you learn to love the people that hate on you, this is the tool that truly propels you to your next level.
“When stepping out on faith, and doing anything, it is imperative that you close your ears to all negativity. Vibrate higher than your haters, because if the hate is directed towards you, that’s an indicator that they are not on your level. ”
I have received resistance from multiple avenues, and endured mountains of doubt, but His constant reminder that He was with me, is what gave me the strength to reach new levels.
What is something that most people would be surprised to know about you?
I love county music lol. When I was growing up, LeAnn Rimes was my favorite country music artist. I love the way it tells a story. Almost like it captures your imagination.
If you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be and why?
Ambitious is one word that describes me. God has given me a vision, and a promise. I am so eager to see it unfold. It’s easy to sit on your gifts and talents. It’s hard not to give up on your dreams, when we don’t see them come to pass as quickly as we would like. If you put the work in, and believe, one day all your hard work will pay off, if you don’t grow faint.
Can you share a moment during your journey that you had to overcome, and how has overcoming it helped shape you into the person that you are today?
I had to overcome church hurt. It’s surprisingly common, but it still hit the hardest for me. I went into a church broken, and left more broken. I think it was such a hard hit because, I went to this church seeking solace and answers, and found disappointments and judgment.
After this ordeal, I became so much closer to God. The lesson that He taught me was to keep my eyes on Him, not people. People will disappoint you, but He wont.
So, I backed away, and started seeking Him for solace, and answers. He brought much needed clarity into my life.
What advice would you give to someone who feels they have a business idea, but may feel stuck because they don’t know what the next steps should be to make it a reality?
My advice would be to PRAY!!
Everything is a process, and there are different levels to success. Feeling stuck, and not having clarity, is one of the biggest obstacles that you will experience. Pray, and God will definitely unfold, and reveal your next step.
I hear that you have some exciting news to share about your next business venture. Care to share with the people?
Yass!! I am super exited to announce that Royal Belle Cosmetic line will officially be released in October of this year! YaYYY!!
It’s been a long hard road with A LOT of broken promises, and mountains of oppositions, BUT GOD!
I am excited, and also humbled at the same time. Royal Belle shapewear has helped me fund the cosmetic line, so I am grateful for that!
How has your faith and relationship with God, helped you to get to where you are today?
Honestly, He is my only reason why. I love Him, and I trust Him greatly with my life, and my business. So, however He uses me, I am grateful and humbled.
“So, where I am, and where I’m going, is all because of him. ”