2019 Purposed to Inspire Challenge
“When you begin to discover yourself and who God is calling you to be, not only will you be better for you, but you’ll also be better for those God has assigned to you.”
2019 is here!
With a new year, comes new year resolutions. I’ve never been the type to have those. However, this year I wanted to try something different to challenge myself.
This idea stemmed from a conversation I was having with my daughter about her school Christmas performance. She was nervous about having to recite her lines in front of the entire school.
I was so proud of her for taking on the part. That made me think of how I wanted to try new and different things for the upcoming year.
This year I want to challenge myself. So, over the next 12 months, I’ll be trying something new each month. Whether it be conquering a fear, trying something that I’ve always wanted to try, or starting a new hobby.
I would love for you to join this challenge with me. I believe that we are ALL filled with greatness. Sometimes, it can be hard to see our own potential.
We take on so many roles in life. We can get so busy taking care of everyone else, that sometimes we neglect ourselves in the process. That is why this challenge is so important to me. I want you to discover the beauty that is within you.
I’ve themed 2019 as…
“The Year of Discovering YOU!”
Now, don’t freak out. This doesn’t have to be on a large scale whatsoever. It can be something as small as getting that new gym membership or as big as parachuting out of an airplane. (I’ll be cheering from the sidelines, because that last one definitely WON’T be on my to-do list).
Maybe there’s something that you’ve been meaning to get done, but have been putting it off. Or maybe, there’s a job you’ve been wanting to apply for, but you don’t think you’re fully qualified for the position. Take a risk.
Have you been wanting to go back to school? Sign up for the class. Want to try a new hairstyle, or hair color that’s outside of the box for you? Go and be fabulous!
It doesn’t matter how big, or small it may seem. I want to challenge you to do something new and positive FOR YOU!
You deserve it! Will you join the challenge with me?
I would love to be a part of your journey. Please feel free to tag me on social media, and use the hashtag,
I can’t wait to here from you!