You're Right on Schedule
When I separated from the Air Force in 2014, to become a full-time college student, it was one of the biggest decisions of my life. I remember contemplating the decisions for weeks.
One moment it felt new and exciting. The next moment, it sounded like the dumbest idea I ever had.
Nearly all my friends had already received their master’s degree. Now, here I was just getting started with my bachelor’s degree at 31 years old. Now, 31 is not old by any means, but at the time, it felt pre-historic! I felt like I was so behind.
My niece and I were starting college at the same time. This is the same niece that I used to babysit, and feed baby food as she watched Blue’s Clues. I was beating myself up and asking questions like, “Girl, why did you wait so late to get started?”
While I was afraid of looking like the old chick in class, I realized that my biggest fear was failure. I thought, “What if I can’t do this?” “What if I’m not smart enough?” What if I fail?”
“I knew in my heart that I had to do it afraid. So, that’s what I did.”
It took a long time for me to realize that there were so many lessons that I needed to learn. There were also things that I needed to experience before I started my college journey.
The 18-year-old, fresh-out-of-high-school Sheena, was NOT READY for college. The 18-year-old me would’ve blew it!
My path, although different from my friends, led me to 12 years of military service. The military taught me so much. It also gave me the opportunity to travel and meet some amazing people.
Most importantly, my path led me to a close and personal relationship with God. My path also led me to a sense of a true calling and purpose for my life. Although I couldn’t see it at the time, every step was leading me closer to where God wanted me to be.
Sometimes we look at other people’s lives, and think that our path should look just like theirs. God has a different purpose and plan for each of our lives. He has equipped us with different gifts, and talents to use for His glory.
You may find yourself in a place right now, where you’re beating yourself up because of where you are in life. Maybe you think you should be further ahead than you currently are.
Please know that when you surrender your will to God, and ask him to direct your path, you don’t have to worry about how things will turn out. The outcome is in God’s hands. Your job is to just follow where He leads you.
No matter your age, or where you find yourself in life, BELIEVE that God has a plan for your life. Find solace in the fact that you’re not behind. You’re not late. You’re right on schedule.
Today’s Reading: Jeremiah 29:11
Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT) “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”