Prison Break
Now, don’t let the title scare you. Yes, it’s time to break free, but not in the way you may be thinking.
Simply put, it’s time to break free from YOU!
Ever get to the point that you were just sick of you? Sick of making the same decisions. Sick of the same old bad habits. Sick of thinking the same thoughts. Well this was me!
My prayer literally had become, God help me to see myself the way that you see me.
Well God definitely heard my prayers, because a couple of weeks ago, my daughter suggested that we go into the Christian bookstore. As soon as I walked into the store, there stood a fully stocked display of a book entitled, Sick of Me. (I’m convinced that God definitely has a sense of humor.)
Since that day, God has been giving me countless things to affirm this one truth. That truth is this…
Self-realization is key!
Let me explain. Better yet, let me ask you a question. Be honest with yourself. How do you really feel about YOU?
Not the you that you portray on social media, or the face that you wear in public. I’m talking about the real you. What are your real thoughts about yourself? How do you see yourself? When you look in the mirror, what do you see?
You ponder on that, while I go first.
I have battled with insecurity for a very long time. My insecurity stemmed from a child. For many years, I didn’t like the fact that I had dark skin. I honestly didn’t begin to love my complexion until I became an adult. I had to learn that beauty came in all complexions.
Although, I now embrace what once made me insecure, I realized that I still had other negative thoughts towards myself, that were preventing me from moving forward. Those thoughts were causing me to doubt myself and walk in fear.
When I looked in the mirror, it was like my vision was skewed. I have been doubting everything about myself, to include my talents, and the things that I know God has placed in my heart for my future.
“I knew that I wasn’t seeing myself correctly, but I didn’t know how to fix it. So, I asked God to help me see myself the way that He sees me.”
The revelation I’m about to share with you completely changed my life!
Today, I feel a freedom that I’ve never felt before, and I want to help you break free as well!
I never realized how much my thoughts was affecting my vision. Our thoughts are so powerful. They can propel us into destiny, or keep us stuck.
Your life will only go as far as you allow your thoughts to take you. Get your thoughts in alignment for your divine assignment.
God revealed to me that while I believed in Him and his infinite power, I didn’t believe in myself. I saw God as this great big God(which He is), but I was seeing myself sooooo small.
“Most people see God really’s not how big you see God. It’s how much you believe that God is in you.”
Many Christians today have not fully grasped this truth. Many Christians have no revelation of the power and presence of God within them. (It’s me! I’m many Christians!)
To have such negative thoughts about ourselves, is like telling God that his creation (YOU) isn’t good enough. God doesn’t make mistakes.
The bible says that God created us in his image (Genesis 1:27). That means that God created us to look like him on the earth. We reflect His glory. We carry His presence. We are a walking, talking, breathing billboard of our Heavenly Father.
So WHY are we looking at ourselves in the mirror, and thinking so small about ourselves? Why are we doubting who God created us to be. Why are we doubting that we can do what God has called us to do?
The enemy is after our identity! Think about it. There are so many things in the world today that keep us distracted, and fight for our attention. The enemy wants us to find purpose and identity in everything else EXCEPT GOD.
When we don’t see ourselves properly, we end up taking on the wrong identity. If we’re not careful, we can start to unknowingly allow other people to affirm who we are, instead of allowing God to affirm us.
Our thoughts can keep us trapped, and we become imprisoned in our own minds. This keeps us stuck, unable to move forward, unable to fully understand our purpose, and prevents us from being able to walk into the fullness of who God created us to be.
Break free from the mental imprisonment! Break free from ANY & ALL negative thoughts about yourself. For every negative thought, replace it with a positive.
Someone close to me shared something that really stuck with me. They had recently heard someone compare negative thoughts to garbage in a trash can.
When we have negative thoughts, envision a trash can in your mind and THROW THE NEGATIVE THOUGHTS AWAY! (It was said more eloquently than that, but you get the point.)
Any thought you have that is contrary to God’s nature is a LIE…PERIOD! Reject it! Begin to speak positivity over your life each & every day.
There is a leader on the inside of you. There is an entrepreneur on the inside of you. There is a world changer on the inside of you. There is a “first multi-millionaire in your family” on the inside of you.
If your thoughts don’t align with God’s truth about you, you can never unlock the door to your true purpose.
let’s unlock the door TOGETHER!
Pray this prayer with me:
Father God, thank you for the truth of your word. I now know that I no longer have to think small. Thank you for creating me in your image. Thank you for revealing to me your presence that is within me. You created me with a purpose, and everything that you have for me, I shall have. I shall see every promise come to pass, because I now have the faith to believe in the power of you in me. I cast down every negative thought, and everything that tries to exalt itself against the knowledge of you. I am beautiful. I am successful. I am prosperous. I am healthy. I declare FREEDOM over my mind and over my thoughts. I am walking in purpose, on purpose, and NOTHING can stop your will for my life. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Today’s Reading: Romans 12:2; Philippians 4:8
Romans 12:2 (NLT) “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”
Philippians 4:8 (NLT) “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”