Clearing the Clutter
I started off 2020 ready to hit the ground running at full speed! Fast forward a few days into the new year, and I couldn’t even manage to jog, or walk briskly, yet alone run. A part of me was ready to hit the ground running, but another part of me couldn’t even manage to get out of the bed. Literally.
I believe that God was telling me to slow down in more ways than one. Last week, I thought I would have a blog post to share with you guys, but even my words refused to walk across my paper lol.
I remembered a podcast I listened to last year that stuck with me, about how important it is to declutter your space. According to Patrice Washington, “Clutter is the physical representation of chaos in the mind.”
I figured since I couldn’t write, then I might as well do a deep cleaning, and try to get myself organized. I spent hours cleaning every inch of my room, even under my bed. Your girl was on a mission.
By the time I was finished, I discovered a $10 bill, a JC Penny’s gift card with a $24 balance, and another gift card worth $10. That might not sound like a lot, but let me tell you, I was one happy lady!
All those things were right under my nose, but because there were so many old things that needed to be thrown away, and so much stuff that was out of order, I didn’t realize that those blessings were there the whole time. I had to clear the clutter to see them.
If you’re like me, you’re excited to discover what the new year holds, but make sure that you take the time to breathe, slow down, and just look around. Ask God for clarity, and direction in any area(s) where you may feel stuck, or unsure.
When it comes to our spiritual walk, when we start getting rid of old things (i.e. old attitudes/mindsets), we can begin to make room for the new. Although I found things of monetary value, God doesn’t want to just give us stuff. He wants us to make room for new wisdom, new ideas, and a new way of thinking. All of these things lead to open doors, that get us closer to the things that God has in store for us.
Are you trying to take old things into a new season?
“God wants to make things clear to you. Let’s ask God what needs to be removed, organized, and set in order in our lives. ”
Today’s Prayer
Lord, I thank you for rest. As I set my eyes on new dreams, goals, and passions this year, I pray that you give me clarity. If there is anything in my life that is causing me to be stagnant, help me to see it clearly. Lord, I don’t want to take old baggage into a new season. Help me to organize my household, my finances, and my life. If there is anything in my life that is out of order, give me your eyes to see, and give me the strength to do whatever it is you are asking me to do. Give me the power to do everything that you have ordained for me to do this year. In Jesus Name.
Today’s Reading: Isaiah 43:18-19; Ecclesiastes 3:1; Ecclesiastes 3:6
Isaiah 43:18-19 (NKJV) “Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert.”
Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NKJV) “To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:”
Ecclesiastes 3:6 (NKJV) “A time to gain, And a time to lose; A time to keep, And a time to throw away;”