Blurred Vision
You may have heard that you have purpose, and that God has a plan for your life, many times before. While many of you may believe this is true, you may still find yourself frustrated, and confused, as to what your purpose is on this earth.
Earlier this year, I wrote a post entitled, When You Created Me, What Were You Thinking? In that post, I shared about a time that I longed to know the specifics from God about my life. As the title suggests, I wanted to know what God was thinking when He made me. I wanted to know what hidden things were within me, that God wanted to use for His glory.
Prior to asking God these questions in prayer, I couldn’t really fathom God wanting to use my life in any kind of special way. I saw God using other people, and I heard the testimony of others, but I figured it was something special they had done. I thought God just saw more in them, than He saw in me.
Early on in my walk with God, I decided to get baptized. I had been baptized as a child, but after getting serious about my walk with God, I wanted to get baptized again as an adult. I remember standing in line waiting for my turn to be baptized. As I waited in line, there was a minister there who was prophesying to certain individuals in the line.
At this point, in my mind I’m like, “YES, FINALLY! Someone is finally going to tell me who I am.”
So, a little backstory…
I’ve alwaaaaaays felt overlooked. In high school, my grades were mediocre. I wasn’t involved in any sports, or any extra curricular activities, and in the military, I never quite felt like I belonged. I had no dreams, or desires outside of my normal day to day routine. Everyday, it just felt like I was existing, and not living, but something had changed. I wanted to live! I was searching for a sense of identity. I wanted to know who I was.
So, back to the story. I’m standing in line, and I’m quietly thinking, “YES, FINALLY! Someone is going to tell me who I am.” So, this minister had a word for several people in line. He told people what He was hearing God say about their future.
He was getting closer to where I was standing. He stopped, looked at the person standing in front of me, and he gave them a word from the Lord. Then, he walked past me like I was invisible, stopped, and gave a word to the person behind me. I was crushed to say the least.
I kept thinking, “What about me?”
That day, I allowed seeds of negativity to be planted in my mind. I remember feeling like God must have this great plan for everyone else, except me. It took some time for me to realize that this was a lie!
Going into this new year, you’re probably going to be hearing a lot about how this upcoming year, is the year of “clear vision” (20/20 vision), for the people of God. I know that sometimes these things can sound super churchy, or sound like something preachers say because it sounds good, but I actually believe this to be true.
I strongly desire for you to know who you really are, and I want you to walk in the fullness of who God created you to be. That is why I created this blog. I realize that this strong desire that I feel, came from God, because it’s really the desire of His heart. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ll know that the things that I share, and every word of encouragement, is ultimately to help you fulfill the calling that is upon your life.
God reminded me of where I used to be. I shared that story because I know there are many of you, who may feel like I once felt. You may believe that God has no special plan for your life. Maybe you’re starting to realize that you too have been believing a lie, and you want to know what direction God is leading you in.
It may seem like everyone else is making moves, and you’re ready to make moves too, but your question is, “What moves do I make?”
I said it took sometime for me to realize I had been believing a lie. Once I began seeking God, and reading His word, the lies that I once believed, began to fade away. The more I got to know God, through a daily relationship with Jesus, the more I realized that the truth of His word applied to my life.
God didn’t want to reach me through the minister that day. I believe that God wanted me to seek Him for the answers to my questions. At just the right time, God began to reveal some of the things that He wanted to do in my life.
If you’re seeking God about your purpose, and you haven’t gotten an answer yet, don’t stop seeking God. He won’t reveal anything before it’s time. God deeply cares for you, and he’ll make sure that you get to where he’s leading you on time. Don’t worry.
“Don’t look to the left, or to the right of you, and get discouraged by what you see others doing. You are one of a kind, and no one can do what God created YOU to do. No matter how long it takes, continue to believe that God has a purpose, and a plan for your life. Believe that God’s plan for you, is far greater than you can imagine. ”
Does your vision feel blurry today? Let’s pray this prayer together.
Today’s Prayer
Father God, thank you that you knew me before you formed me in my mother’s womb. I believe your word to be true, and I believe the truth of your word applies to me. I know that my life has purpose and meaning. At this very moment, I surrender everything to you. Give me your eyes to see. Reveal to me the things that you have placed on the inside of me. Reveal those hidden gifts, and talents that you want to use for your glory. I decree and declare, that from this moment forward, that I will begin to see myself the way that you see me. I dispel every lie of the enemy, and I only believe what you say about me. Thank you that I will begin to see things clearer than I have ever seen them before. Give me strength to walk the path that you have set before me. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Today’s Reading: Jeremiah 29:14; Jeremiah 1:5; Psalms 138:8
Jeremiah 29:13 (NKJV) “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”
Jeremiah 1:5 (NKJV) “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”
Psalms 138:8 (NLT) “The Lord will work out his plans for my life— for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. Don’t abandon me, for you made me.”