Beauty Talk & Tips with Sheena Vonique
So, I’m the person that gets more excited about getting dressed for an event, than I am excited about the event itself. Don’t judge. Being a woman is just so much fun to me!
I’ve always loved to dress up. As a teenager, I would get dressed up and put on heels, and have absolutely NOWHERE to go.
Lately, God has been dealing with me, and pushing me to look deeper into what beauty really is.
When we think of beauty as it relates to a person, many times we think of how a person looks on the outside. As a society, we relate physical beauty to outside appearance, but true beauty is so much more!
My blog is almost five months old, and by now, I thought I would’ve had a ton of stuff to share in the beauty category.
So far though, it seems like I’ve been hitting a brick wall. (Hence why there aren’t many posts yet under the style & beauty category.)
As I started to question why, my logo popped in my mind. More specifically the words…
I realized that while I’m very passionate about physical beauty, (style, hair, makeup etc.) inner beauty comes first before anything else.
I was reminded that not only do I want you to look, and feel beautiful on the outside, but I want to help you reveal the beauty that is WITHIN you as well.
It doesn’t matter how beautiful you are, and how “put together” you seem on the outside. If you’re a mess on the inside, nothing you do to your “outside” will really matter at the end of the day.
Don’t get me wrong, taking good care of your physical body is definitely important. We only have one body. But our physical appearance shouldn’t take precedence over inner beauty.
“Outer beauty attracts, but inner beauty captivates.”
Here is my list of “beauty” tips that will help you reveal beauty, from the inside out.
Beauty Tip #1 Date yourself
When you meet someone new, and start dating them, you’re getting to know them. You’re trying to find out who they are, what their goals are, what they’re passionate about, and what they like/dislike etc.
Have you taken the time to get to know YOU?
What are you passionate about? What are your likes/dislikes? What are your goals? 🤔
Spend time getting to know yourself. Sometimes we get so caught up in taking care of everyone else, that we don’t take the time to ask, “Who am I?” or “What do I want out of life?”
Beauty Tip #2 SELF-love
I know this sounds clichè, and you’ve heard this a thousand times, but it’s so true…we have to love ourselves!
Its counterproductive to spend hours getting ready on the outside, and battling with self-hatred on the inside, but doing nothing to change it.
Any negative thoughts we think towards ourselves is interfering with our well-being. In order to reveal the beauty that is within you, you first need to believe that you are beautiful, and worthy of being loved.
Believe that you are deserving of doing, and having all of the good that you desire. Get in the habit of declaring positive things over your life, and watch your heart, and mind, begin to catch up with the words that you speak over your life.
Some of us are so conditioned at looking at a person and automatically finding the fault or negative in a person. “Sizing up the other person.”
When we look at others, and automatically see what’s wrong with them, instead of what’s right, this is a deeper reflection of what may be going on inside of our own hearts.
If this is something you can honestly say you struggle with, I challenge you to begin to look and think about others differently. Change your pattern of thinking to see beauty, where others see negativity.
Give compliments to complete strangers. Tell someone, “you look nice today”, or “I like your hair”, or “I love your shoes”. You never know what kind of day that person was having, and how your one compliment could make someone’s day.
Beauty Tip #4 Self-control
“Hello. My name is Sheena, and I’m an M&M-aholic! ”
More specifically the peanut ones in the box (like the ones you get from the movie theater). Someone had the genius idea to sell them at the dollar store for $1.
I was getting a box almost everyday y’all. 🙈
Side note: My husband may, or may not have caught me in the shower eating candy. I can neither confirm nor deny this rumor. 🤣
I know we’re talking about inner beauty, but the things we eat and drink affect us both inwardly and outwardly.
I jokingly related my lack of self-control to food (100% true story though), but self control could relate to a number of things, including self-control over our actions, our emotions, and the words that we speak to others.
What we eat and drink affects our bodies. In the same way, the self control we lack, or exhibit, affects not only our lives, but the lives of those around us.
Beauty Tip #5 Relationship
The most important relationship we will ever have is the relationship we have with our Heavenly Father. I listed this last on the list, but without this important beauty tip, the others wouldn’t really matter.
Spending time with God (getting to know the one that created you) allows you to put all the other “beauty tips” into practice.
In developing our relationship with God, and trusting him with every aspect of our lives, we learn self-control, we learn how to see the beauty in others, we learn how to love ourselves properly, and we learn who we are in Christ.
None of these things happen overnight. It’s a process. We are continually learning, growing and evolving into the beautiful people that God created us to be.
“Don’t stop evolving. Never stop growing. When you fall down, get back up. Be determined to be everything God called you to be, and have everything God ordained for you to have. Be
B E A U T I F U L!
From the inside out. ”