Krista Artís Spotlight
Krista Artís, is the epitome of Style Defined. She is a trendsetter with a unique, and amazing sense of style! Krista is a stylist, style vlogger, and the creator of My Style Sucks, an innovative movement, which maximizes creating versatile looks from a “6 foot rail”.
The vision for her My Style Sucks movement, is centered around providing style tips to be confident, while dressing seamlessly from your wardrobe.
Krista completed two years at Clark Atlanta University, before transferring to Virginia Commonwealth University. At VCU, she double majored in fashion merchandising and business administration. Krista currently lives in London, and works as a styling manager for Amazon.
Get to know more about Krista…
Q&A With Krista
At what point did you know you wanted to go to school for fashion?
That’s a really funny question. In school, I wasn’t the typical person to say, “Ok, I’m going to go to college and major in such and such.” I was involved in a few community programs that promoted a higher education, but I wasn’t really serious about it, until the summer going into my senior year. I made good grades, but I really didn’t know what I wanted to do.
You hear so many negative things about people trying to make it in the arts. I thought, why not try it, and see if I can beat the odds. So, going into my senior year, that’s when I discovered that I wanted to venture into fashion.
What made you transfer to a different college after two years at Clark Atlanta University?
I looooooved Clark Atlanta University, but I wanted to apply myself at a larger university. I went from a university population of 5,000 students to 40,000 students.
At Clark, I only majored in fashion merchandising. One of my mentors and family members, asked if I ever thought about double majoring, to set myself apart in the industry, and to also elevate, yet diversify, my potential career.
So, it was when I transferred to VCU, that I double majored in fashion merchandising, and business administration and management. At the time, VCU was ranked number six in the nation for their arts program. That’s what really attracted me to migrate there.
When did you realize you had a love for fashion?
Looking back, the love was always there. I think even back in my late middle school and early high school days, the love existed. I just didn’t realize it. On Sunday morning, when my dad would prepare for church, he would always ask my mom and I about his suits.
Often, I would end up trying to recreate his entire look. I was unknowingly “styling” way back then. In my opinion, I was just putting something together.
I think that’s when my love for fashion really blossomed, in addition to my love for hats. I have a HUGE fascination with hats. I think that really stemmed from both of my parents as well. My mom was a hat guru, and my dad has a very distinguished way of wearing his hats.
So, you’re able to look back now, and recognize that there were signs along the way, that gave you a glimpse into what you would be doing today?
Absolutely! The examples I just gave are a huge testament to that. Also, I can remember growing up, and friends would ask me for advice on their outfits. I started working when I was 15. So, when the latest trends came out, I wanted to buy pieces that I thought would work together well in my wardrobe.
In addition to that, I was voted best dressed in high school for senior superlatives. I guess, I never thought that was a superlative I would have won. Perhaps, my peers saw fashion being a part of me as well.
Just recently, my dad mentioned how I’ve always done things differently. He was recalling a time I went to prom. All the other girls had on long floor length dresses, and my dress was above my knees. I remember everyone looking at me like, “What is she doing?”
Where do you get your style inspiration?
I’m a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE menswear enthusiast, when it comes to fashion. Because of the line of work I do, I need to be comfy. I love looser garments. I like the way looser garments hang on the body. So, menswear inspires me a lot.
I’m all about tomboy chic, or comfy chic, if I had to put a theme to it. I love taking a masculine look, and pairing it with a 4-inch heel if I’m going out, or wearing a tailored suit, with a bralette or something underneath.
So, I’m not inspired by any one thing. If I had to pick one thing, I would definitely say, I’m inspired by menswear silhouettes.
“For a woman to be sexy, you don’t always have to wear the tightest thing you can get your body into. You can still be sexy with a bit of masculine style.”
Who is someone that you admire, as far as their sense of style?
I admire NiNi Nguyen’s effortless style. I’ve always loved her style, and how she mixes her pieces together. She’s just dope, different and daring.
How has your faith and your relationship with God helped you on the journey to get to where you are today?
It has helped tremendously! Basically, that’s been the foundation of where I am.
“All of my success; I claim none of this. This is all from the man above, because without him, I am nothing but LOST IN THE SAUCE!”
I don’t know how much more I could elaborate on it. Literally, without him I am nothing. Everything that I do, has been totally walking by faith, not by sight, and praying to the man above to order my steps.
What advice would you give to someone who wants to follow your footsteps and go into the fashion industry?
Don’t lose sight of what you want to do in the industry. If you’re graduating from high school, and going straight into college for fashion, or you’re going to be working on an apprenticeship to go into the industry, make sure you do your research. Get a mentor, and have a goal to work towards. As much of a cliché as this may sound, treat people how you want to be treated.
Another major piece of advice is, if you’re going to a 4-year university, STUDY ABROAD, STUDY ABROAD, STUDY ABROAD!
I highly encourage people to study abroad. Studying abroad really opens your eyes, and provides so many invaluable resources and opportunities.
If finances are an issue, look for grants, and talk to the financial counselors at your school. I was able to study abroad the semester after I graduated from college. I studied abroad in Paris, France, at the Paris American Academy.
So, what’s next for you?
As a hat enthusiast, I will be starting my own unisex hat line. There's just something about a hat that "lights me up!" Hats, for some, are the lost accessory . . . but it doesn't have to be! I'm going to show the world how a hat can totally electrify your look, not just when you get fresh, but in the gym as well! Hey, who says you can't be fly while flexing and sweating!?
I’m also very passionate about fitness. So, I’m working on some exciting things right now behind the scenes, that’ll bring fashion and fitness together.
Wait, it doesn't stop there! This past January, I kicked off my closet editing business with my first client. So, if you're in need of a closet cleanse, have a special occasion and don't know where to start, or going on vacay and need help with your looks and packing, look no further. I'm here at your service!
“I love me some Biggie, but he lied when he said the sky is the limit. The sky is just the beginning!”