2019 Lessons Learned


Happy New Year everyone!!!!! It’s so hard to believe that it’s almost been a year since I started my blog. I’ve learned so much about myself, and life in 2019. I’m going to use the lessons that I learned to help propel me forward into 2020, and I wanted to share four of my biggest lessons with you today.


Seeing mysElf the WaY God Sees Me

In 2019, I realized that how I saw myself, and how God saw me, were completely different. The enemy attempts to do everything he can to prevent us from seeing ourselves properly. I learned that I can’t disqualify myself, because I didn’t create me, and I didn’t call me. God did! #2019TaughtMe that I AM everything God says that I AM.

lesson #2:

The Power of Declaration 

In 2019, God taught me the power of declaring His word over my life. The Bible tells us that the power of life, and death, are in the tongue. (Proverbs 18:21) 2019 helped me to better understand this. I had to continue to speak the word of the Lord over my life, no matter what the situation looked like.

The more I spoke the word of the Lord over my life, the more it began to take root in my heart. #2019TaughtMe to encourage myself in the Lord, and to speak those things that be not, as though they are.



There were so many days that I let my emotions get the best of me. I feel like this past year, more than ever, God showed me that my “emotions” can’t be trusted. I can choose to follow my emotions wherever they lead me (which is usually nowhere good), or I can choose to speak to my emotions. I can can choose to wallow in my feelings, or I can choose to have joy despite of my feelings.

There were some days, that I just didn’t feel like praying, didn’t feel like worshipping, didn’t feel like praising, and didn’t feel like writing. Despite of how I felt, I had to keep going. So, #2019TaughtMe to keep going regardless of how I “feel”.

Lesson #4:

God validates me, not people.

This was by far the HARDEST lesson that I learned in 2019. When I started my blog, I had great expectations of where I would be in a years time, and the audience that I would reach. I definitely didn’t reach the milestones in my first year, that I thought I would reach. I also didn’t see the kind of numbers I was hoping for in my first year. Many times I wanted to quit, and I wondered if this blog was even helping anyone.

I learned that whether I have an audience of 50, or 5 million, that I am walking in my purpose, and doing what God called me to do. #2019TaughtMe not to seek the approval of man. God’s approval is all that I need!

What lessons did you learn in 2019?

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