New Place, Old You


“Process” is one of those words that nobody really likes to hear. Instant gratification just sounds so much better. Transformation in our bodies takes time. You can’t expect to go to the gym for a week, and think you’re automatically going to look how you want to look. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. It takes time. It’s a process. 

Now more than ever, I realize how important “the process” is in our spiritual walk. 

Our walk with God doesn’t just stop when we accept Jesus, as our Lord and Savior. God didn’t save us, for us to remain the same. God wants to change us, so that we look more like Him.  

God doesn’t want to change us into mindless robots, with no personality. God made your personality unique to you. It’s not our personalities that God wants to change, He wants to change our character

For many, the “change” is the difficult part. 

It’s hard to relinquish control, even to God. For some reason, we think we have things all figured out. We believe that “we” know what’s best for our lives. When we begin to follow God, and things seem harder, than easier, our human reaction can be to turn away. We may start depending only on “ourselves” again to make things happen.

Many are yearning for the next place...the “new place”. In order to get to that new place, we have to  allow God to change our character. We have to allow God to take away those things that aren’t like Him, so that we can look more, and more like him each day. 

We definitely don’t want to be stuck in a place any longer than God intended, but we also don’t want to try and get to the “next place” too soon. Neither scenario is ideal. 

We can’t take old attitudes, old behaviors, and old mindsets, into the new place that God has for us. 

God knows the plans He has for us. He also knows our deepest thoughts. He knows what’s really in our hearts, even when we don’t speak a word. 

God wants to cleanse us of those things, that could prevent His will from being accomplished in our lives. God doesn’t just want to get you to that new place. God wants to develop you, so that at the proper time, He can elevate you higher, and higher. 

Only you know what those things are that you deal with. Whether it be anger, pride, jealously, stubbornness, lust, addiction, selfishness or unforgiveness. I said only you know, but the truth is, there are things that you could be dealing with, that maybe you can’t even see. 

God wants us to surrender everything to Him. In our bible, Jesus tells us that if we try to hang on to our lives, we will lose it. But if we give up our lives for His sake, and for the sake of the Good News, we will save it. (Mark‬ ‭8:35‬)

Remember that God reveals himself through the process. God knows what He has in store for us, and He knows what has to be done to prepare us. Even when it doesn’t feel like it, His timing is perfect.
— Sheena Vonique

If you’ve ever asked God, “Why am I still in this place?”You’re not alone. The “place” will have different meanings for all of us. My “place” may not be your place, but it’s a place nonetheless. 

We have to go from…

“God, how much longer will I be in this place?!?”


“God, what are you trying to show me?

What are you trying to produce in me that I don’t currently possess?

What are you trying to give to me, and what do you desire to take away?”

This process can seem so hard. I speak on “the journey” a lot on my blogs, because I believe it’s important to not only share the great things, but also share the truth of those difficult things as well. I know that it’s during the process, that many people give up. I don’t want you to give up, when you’re SO CLOSE to your breakthrough. 

Know that your Heavenly Father can be trusted. You can trust Him with your life. You can trust Him through the process. 

As followers of Jesus, we will ALWAYS be going through a process of some sort. We should be continually learning, growing and developing. There will always be room for growth. Allow God to change you for the better…one day at a time.

Today’s Prayer

Lord, I thank you for growth. I thank you that I am made in your image. Because of that, I know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Give me strength to not give up during my process. Help me to see with your eyes. Show me any areas in my life, that are holding me back from being the person you called me to be. Give me wisdom and clarity to walk according to your will for my life. Develop the type of character in me where others no longer see me, but they see your glory in and through me. I give you permission to remove anything that is not like you. I thank you that these circumstances in my life are not meant to harm me, but that it’s meant for my good. Have your way in my life, always and forever. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Today’s Reading: Romans‬ ‭5:3-5‬

Romans‬ ‭5:3-5‬ (NLT): We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.

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