Beauty scars

a poem by sheena vonique



When you look at me, what do you see? Do you see these scars, that cover me?

Do you see the pain that I once tried so desperately to hide? When you see me, I wonder, if you can see the tears I’ve cried.

One scar, two scars, three scars, four. If you’d take a walk with me, you’d see there’s so much more. 

Each wound left me scarred, I didn’t take the time to heal. Some wounds cut so deep, if you let me, I’ll be real. 

At times my heart was broken, and I felt all alone. No one to talk to, no one picked up the phone.

I fell on my knees, and cried out in prayer. Lord, if you can hear me, this pain I can’t bear. 

I really wanted to take the time to heal. But in my pursuit of happiness, I just couldn’t stay still.

I began looking for love, but never did I find. I only found lust instead, my eyes were so blind.

I didn’t know that pain would leave a scar. I was young, and just having fun, taking drinks at the bar.

My identity was tied to a girl I once knew. But each scar had a purpose, and